The USA and the EU: We are working with President Vučić and Kurti

The EU and the US are concerned about the tense situation in the north of Kosovo and call on everyone to exercise maximum restraint, EU press service announced.

Izvor: Kosovo online

Wednesday, 28.12.2022.


The USA and the EU: We are working with President Vučić and Kurti
Tanjug/AP Photo/Marjan Vucetic

The USA and the EU: We are working with President Vučić and Kurti

As stated, all parties are urged to urgently take measures for the unconditional de-escalation of the situation and to refrain from provocations, threats and intimidation.

"We are working with President Vučić and Prime Minister Kurti to find a political solution in order to calm tensions and agree on a way forward in the interest of stability, security and well-being of all local communities. We welcome the assurances of the Kosovo leadership that there are no lists of Kosovo Serb citizens who will be arrested or prosecuted for peaceful protest/barricade. At the same time, the rule of law must be respected, and any form of violence is unacceptable and will not be tolerated," the joint statement said.

It added that the US will support the work of the European Union through its Rule of Law Mission in Kosovo (EULEX), and EULEX, in accordance with its mandate, will continue to closely monitor all investigations and subsequent proceedings to promote respect for human rights.

As stated, this includes guarantees of a fair trial, as well as protection and equal treatment for members of non-majority communities in Kosovo.

The EU and the US also expect Belgrade and Pristina to return to "nurturing an environment conducive to reconciliation, regional stability and cooperation for the benefit of their citizens" and emphasize that all obligations arising from the dialogue must be fully implemented without delay.

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