Vučić announced, a decision was made: The army is returning to the so-called Kosovo?

President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vučić, spoke after tonight's Government session.

Izvor: B92

Thursday, 15.12.2022.


Vučić announced, a decision was made: The army is returning to the so-called Kosovo?
Foto: Profimedia

Vučić announced, a decision was made: The army is returning to the so-called Kosovo?

The main topic of Vučić's address was the current situation in Kosovo and Metohija and the request to return the Serbian army and police to the north of the province.

"The decision has been made that now in electronic form, and tomorrow (Friday) morning in person, we will deliver a request to the KFOR commander to return a certain number, in the hundreds, up to a thousand, of our forces to Kosovo," said Aleksandar Vučić.

Vučić said that this is the first time that a Serbian government has adopted such a request.

"It was rumored that Mr. Djindjic did it in 2003, but he did not. He sent a letter, but it was not formal and legal," he said.

The president repeated that he expects KFOR not to accept it.

"They didn't even want to hear it, because it's a finger in the eye of those who want to decide about us without us, without rights, about justice and let's not talk about it," said Vučić.

"I want to tell the people in Serbia... This is paper number 1 - the UN Charter. This is paper number 2 - Resolution 1244. Paper number 3 - Military-technical agreement. Paper number 4 - Brussels agreement. Paper no. 5 - Agreement from Washington. Paper No. 6 - Thessaloniki Declaration. We are also preparing Paper No. 7," Vučić pointed out.

The President of Serbia informed the public about the response he received from the international community.

"When I asked the representatives of the international community, tell me one agreement that you will respect. I got a concrete answer - none. 'We respect only what suits us,'" said the President of Serbia.

President read a part of the Franco-German proposal, which refers to international law, but in relation to respecting the territorial integrity of both sides.

"I heard that recently, a few days ago. I was literally told that they do not respect any contract," said Vučić and said that there was a witness from the international community who attended that meeting.

"You want to jump out of your skin when you read that," said Vučić.

In one article, it is said that Serbia will not oppose the membership of the so-called Kosovo in international organizations, in other words, membership of the so-called Kosovo in the UN.

"Today they received Kosovo's candidacy for admission to the EU. And some of our friends in Europe reacted fairly. I want to thank the Cypriot president, the Spanish, the Hungarians, the other non-recognisers and everyone who helped us," said the Serbian president and thanked other countries that do not recognize the so-called Kosovo, but also to the Government of Hungary and Viktor Orban, who, as he says, helped us a lot.

"It's not worth it for us to wait for justice. We have to focus on the interests of our country. The Serbs are not asking for anything special. They are asking for Adžić and Pantić to be released, even if they were under house arrest," he said.

He said that it is the job of the head of EULEX to know where Dejan Pantić is.

The second requirement is to respect the agreement that the so-called the Kosovo police cannot go to the north of Kosovo and Metohija when they feel like it.

He showed new photos of members of the so-called Kosovo police with their hands on the trigger.

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