Armored vehicles: Kurti's special forces attacked Gazivode; "They pointed guns at me"

Members of the special units of Kurti's ROSU, fully armed and in armored vehicles, stormed the facility of the large dam on Lake Gazivode, has learned.

Izvor: B92

Sunday, 11.12.2022.


Armored vehicles: Kurti's special forces attacked Gazivode;

Armored vehicles: Kurti's special forces attacked Gazivode; "They pointed guns at me"

With long pipes and armored vehicles, they found the guard measuring the water level there, chased him out of the building and tore down the Serbian flags that were there.

According to the latest information, they are still at the facility near the big dam in Gazivode, which they forcibly and illegally occupied.

"The EU must restrain the bully"

The director of the office for Kosovo and Metohija, Petar Petković, also spoke about the raid by ROSU special forces.

He stated that he informed the special envoy Miroslav Lajcak about everything that happened.

Worker: "They pointed guns at me"

I went to the big dam on Gazivode to measure the water level because of the rain, when I saw four or five members of ROSU breaking down the gate and the house. They pointed their guns at me, interrogated me and tore the flag, and then chased me away, this is how the worker V.K. describes today's events for Kosovo Online, who found members of the ROSU special units at the dam.

According to him, he went to Gazivode to measure the water level after heavy rains, which is part of his job description, when, according to him, he saw five ROSU members breaking into a house and breaking a gate on a large dam.

"And then they saw me and ran towards me, I guess they didn't expect me. They pointed guns and long barrels at me, they asked me who I was and what I was doing here, I tried to explain to them that as a porter I was in charge of measuring the water level. They wanted to know if there was a camera on the house, I told them that I didn't know, after which they asked me if this was Kosovo or Serbia. I just told them that I was born here, and then they started tearing up the Serbian flag. They tore it up, they returned it to me and said that I am free to go," the worker told us.

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