Vučić on the drama in Kosovo: We will demand the return of our army and police VIDEO

President Aleksandar Vučić spoke about the situation in Kosovo and Metohija. One of the main messages - Serbia will demand the return of our forces to Kosovo.

Izvor: B92

Saturday, 10.12.2022.


Vučić on the drama in Kosovo: We will demand the return of our army and police VIDEO

Vučić on the drama in Kosovo: We will demand the return of our army and police VIDEO

"Today, Dejan Pantić was arrested. He was wearing the uniform of the Kosovo police until recently. He was accused by the so-called minister of the interior and some others of terrorism. That was the day when we had the summit in Tirana and when they tried what they had no right to do. "Pantić committed a real 'criminal act', only they didn't know it. He lives in that building where the institutions they wanted to raid are located, and he brought bread to his house. Our services seriously investigated the whole case", Vučić explained the Pantić case.

About the operation in Velika Hoca

"We were present at the attack on the entire enclave. When the Serbian servants of Albin Kurti talk about the return of the wine they took, they must know that the wine has been destroyed. Don't talk nonsense and deceive your people. Tomorrow I will meet with Petrović and as much as possible we will help that family survive in Velika Hoča. We will find out what they did and what we will do, and I am grateful to Dacić for being here tonight. I discussed the next steps with him and Brnabić", he added, then showed a photo from Velika Hoca.

"With their finger on the trigger, they came to take the wine. The special forces came to destroy a family," emphasized Vučić.

ROSU "accidentally" broke into the kindergarten

"A ROSU vehicle 'accidentally' drove into the yard of a kindergarten. They have nothing to do in the north of Kosovo, yet they broke into a kindergarten. They also said that they called ordinary police officers without equipment and guns. They broke into North Mitrovica, the 300 of them. No one has been attacked in multi-ethnic areas. What are you lying about? You think if you have convinced EULEX and the OSCE, and it was not difficult to convince them, who else are you lying to?"

He then showed a photo of Neziri, who is today a hero because, he says, "he was hit by several pieces of glass."

About the formation of CSM

"Kurti said yesterday - you can't make childish demands like CSM", says Vučić.

"Here is a document that shows that in 2018 the work on drawing up the CSM statute was completed. Here is also a letter from the management team to Lajčak where they inform him of what has been done. We are now entering 2023, and they say that these are our childish games. They invite us to return to the institutions and staying in the institutions is connected with the CSM, exactly what they called childish games," he added.

"The Serbs respected the agreement for ten years, and the only thing the Albanians had to say was that these were childish wishes. I am not as stupid as I seem to some people and I will not accept it. They will have to fulfill what they signed in the Brussels agreement. If they don't want to, we will be exposed to external pressures, the most severe possible, and I can expect that to start from the 17th, when the representatives of Germany, France, and Brussels will come and explain to me how I must behave and what the consequences will be," he added.

"Perhaps our message is childish and perhaps I am crazy and stupid, but one thing is certain - both you and the EU have signed the Brussels Agreement and it is certain that you must fulfill it. It is as simple as that, you will have to fulfill it".

KFOR to ensure the deployment of members of the Serbian army and police

"Pristina has completely violated the Washington Agreement and they will officially apply for EU membership on the 15th," said Vučić.

"Today, I sent a letter to the presidents and prime ministers of five countries that did not recognize the independence of the EU, because admission can only be sought by independent and sovereign states, not those that are not recognized by half the world. I sent a letter to the leaders of Cyprus, Greece, Slovakia, Spain and Romania and thanked them for their support and pointed out that our joint struggle showed that the principles of international law are the only possible principle on which we can all persevere together. These are our friends and I believe that the letter will mean something," explained Vučić.

"In accordance with the fact that they clearly do not respect either the Brussels or Washington agreement, our MFA will show everything we have done so far and the notes of those countries that have withdrawn the recognition of Kosovo," said Vučić.

Today, the text that will be sent to the commander of KFOR to ensure the deployment of members of the Serbian army and police was agreed upon.

"The UN Security Council Resolution 1244 confirmed that the agreed number of Serbian military and police personnel will be allowed to return. So far, there have been no discussions with KFOR about the return of Serbian personnel," the request states.

"I have no illusions, and I know that they will reject that request," said the president, although he pointed out that KFOR is obliged to approve that request.

"This is not a possibility, but an obligation for KFOR", explained Vučić and added that "they will find countless excuses, even though they have no right to do so, to say that they control the situation and that there is no need for it".

About roadblocks and Kurti's "wisdom"

"Tonight, our people are at the roadblocks because they have no other option. The people did it themselves because they could not bear the cruelty any longer. For days we have been hearing that Serbia is going to attack someone, and they are the ones attacking and harassing the Serbs. I don't think this suits the Americans, but I think this suits someone. I don't think Kurti is smart enough to figure out how to attack all Serbs every day. There is someone else with him, it's not him alone," says Vučić.

"There is and will be no surrender. It's my decision and I don't care about the price I'll have to pay, because I know what it means for everyone," he added.

About closed entry to KiM

"First they allowed the exit from KiM. They first stopped transport to Jarinje, and then they stopped everything and there is no more entry or exit to Jarinje and Brnjak. I have no information about major clashes. I know that roadblocks have been set up in two places, but I don't have new information. Another sleepless night awaits us. It is out of the question to negotiate until the CSM is formed. Things are clean here, so they have to deliver it if they want, and if they don't, they won't be pressured but the pressure will be exerted on us. Clearly, not in accordance with the law and justice, who cares about that," he says.

"Citizens of Serbia will not be servants"

After his address to the public, questions from journalists followed, and the first of them referred to the situation in Kosovo and Metohija.

"Serbs have not survived in Kosovo till the present day because they believed in Kurti and that he wanted something better for them. They want to stay there and that is why they are being arrested so recklessly," Vučić emphasized.

"I don't deal with their revenge and I don't worry about their revenge. We come across as someone who has to agree on everything the Russians say, as if we don't have our own country. I don't want a citizen of Serbia to be a servant to anyone, to any great power", he explained.

Vučić then spoke about the "hybrid" war, as the journalist called it when formulating the question.

About Angela Merkel's statement

"This statement is something that dramatically changes things, especially in the political sense, and it is a clear signal who you must not believe. Now the question is how far we as a small country can go if they could play with Russia like that, to deceive Russia until they arm themselves and they are about to defeat it", he says.

He added that we have made good use of our opportunities since 2012, and then came the question of whether the government in Serbia expects reactions from Brussels.

"Of course, Brussels did not react, but it will react. Ours is to be on the European road, whether I am happy because of their statements about Kosovo - I am not and probably no one is," he concluded.

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