Vučić warns: "I fear that the Battle of Stalingrad will come much faster"

President Vučić attended the presentation of the set of books "The Collected Works of Milorad Ekmečić" at the Home of the Serbian Armed Forces in Belgrade.

Izvor: B92

Tuesday, 04.10.2022.


Vučić warns:
Foto: Profimedia

Vučić warns: "I fear that the Battle of Stalingrad will come much faster"

President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vučić, attended the presentation of the set of books "The Collected Works of Milorad Ekmečić" at the Home of the Serbian Armed Forces in Belgrade.

Vučić pointed out that Ekmečić predicted all the current events and the conflict in Ukraine and the global economic crisis many years before his death.

"He based his patriotism not on hatred but on the inexhaustible collection of historical material. He bequeathed to us the desire not to go to war. Ekmečić's life moved "between slaughter and plowing". There are 78 martyrs from Prebilovo in his family, among them father Ilija", stated President Vučić.

The president pointed out that Ekmečić is also a recipient of the Order of Saint Sava.

Vučić also quoted Kusturica, who evaluates Ekmečić as a man who knows everything, and shares this selflessly. The President thanked Gutović for these collected works, which are of great national interest, and pointed out that these books should be in the reading list, in all homes. As he added, with the impression that his warnings will be poorly received.

"I'm afraid that the Battle of Stalingrad will come much faster than we expect and what the outcome will be," said Vučić and added that the most difficult period is probably ahead of us, perhaps even more difficult than the 1990s.

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