Vučić: "The savagery and banditry of the Pristina's authorities" VIDEO

President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vučić, presided over the session of the National Security Council, after which he addressed the public.

Izvor: B92

Saturday, 10.09.2022.



Vučić: "The savagery and banditry of the Pristina's authorities" VIDEO

The session discussed the situation in Kosovo and Metohija, as well as the holding of Europride 2022 and cyber security in the energy sector.

"The situation is difficult. At the session of the National Security Council, we made an analysis of the situation and position of Serbia and Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija. We talked about the assessment of the security situation about Europride. Today we did not talk about cyber security, we will do that next week. We talked about the energy crisis and energy security," said Vučić.

“Maybe we in Serbia don’t understand that Europe has to defend itself and in accordance with such a potential solution, they would avoid the possibility of providing a clear answer to President Putin regarding the legal precedent and granting independence to Kosovo. After that they would say – an agreement has been reached so that in all of this we have once again become the collateral damage of the large conflicts and of their unprincipled behaviour from the past“, stressed Vucic. "Last night, I had a two-hour conversation with the representatives of Olaf Scholz and Emmanuel Macron, that we received from them a proposal that should lead to the immediate and final solution, as they say, of the problems we were facing and all the unresolved issues related to Kosovo That conversation, I don't have to tell you, was not easy at all," he added.

„I was informed that Putin has ‘raised the curtain’ and now it is up to everyone to declare which side they want to be on, on the side of the curtain where the economy does not exist, or on the side of success where they are,“ said Vucic.

"Representatives of the most powerful countries in Europe believe that new conflicts are not good, when we have the situation in Ukraine, big Western powers want to solve these problems because there is a war in Europe. Maybe we in Serbia don’t understand that Europe has to defend itself and in accordance with such a potential solution, they would avoid the possibility of providing a clear answer to President Putin regarding the legal precedent and granting independence to Kosovo. After that they would say – an agreement has been reached so that in all of this we have once again become the collateral damage of the large conflicts and of their unprincipled behavior from the past“, Vucic said.

"I pointed out that illegal bases are springing up on the territory of Kosovo. In Zubin Potok, in the village of Banje, it was completed in February this year. They started illegal works in the area of ​​the Zubin Potok municipality. There is no end to the savagery and banditry of the authorities in Pristina. It is completely clear what they want to accomplish. They don't inform the Serbs or ask them. They don't do anything. In addition to all that, they control Lake Gazivode, and most of it is located on the territory of Zubin Potok," said President of Serbia. "What is important is that on September 10 at 8:00 a.m., only two persons were still registered to change license plates, one person from the north of Kosovo and Metohija, the other from the south. The person from the north is from the municipality of Leposavić and is a member of the Albanian institution. They don't have the support of the people and no one who wants to change the license plates, in 10 days they didn't manage to find anyone with all the propaganda and untruths they put out. This clearly shows what the Serbian people want and that was my message even today, the Serbian people want to respect international law. I am almost certain that the UN General Assembly will turn into a triad on the protection of the territorial integrity of Ukraine, we will see how they will react when I speak about the territorial integrity of Serbia and how many of them would urge me to keep my mouth shut," said Vučić.

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