Vučić met with the ambassadors of the Quint and Sem Fabrizi PHOTO

President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vučić, met with the ambassadors of the Quint countries in Serbia and head of the Delegation of the European Union, Sem Fabrizi.

Izvor: Tanjug

Thursday, 12.11.2020.


Vučić met with the ambassadors of the Quint and Sem Fabrizi PHOTO

Vučić met with the ambassadors of the Quint and Sem Fabrizi PHOTO

Vučić met with the Ambassador of the United States of America, Anthony Godfrey, Great Britain's Shan McLeod, France's Jean-Louis Falconi, Italy's Carlo Lo Caso and Germany's Thomas Schieb, as well as the head of the European Union Delegation to Serbia, Sem Fabrizi.

The meeting was held in the Presidency of Serbia.

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