Vučić: Although I am a veteran in politics, I do not understand

I do not understand the Pristina side, although I am a political veteran, President of Serbia said after visiting the Belgrade Waterfront construction site

Izvor: Tanjug

Tuesday, 29.09.2020.


Vučić: Although I am a veteran in politics, I do not understand
Tanjug/Dragan Kujundžiæ

Vučić: Although I am a veteran in politics, I do not understand

Asked to comment on the position of the spokesman of the German Chancellor, who said that everything that was signed in Brussels must be implemented, Vučić said that it is normal that it must be implemented.

The point is, the President of Serbia explained, that nothing will happen if everything is insisted on in accordance with Kosovo's rules. "Nothing will happen if that happens, we did not go to negotiations so that everything would be according to their rules," he said.

"But I can't even worry about it anymore, their messages are vague to me even though I'm a political veteran and even though I am highly experienced politician. I understand opponents when they behave rationally, we want peace and cooperation, but I don't understand their approach to solving problems", Vucic concluded.

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