"Pristina on big defensive, Serbia on offensive"

Serbian First Deputy PM and Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic says that Pristina is currently on the defensive.

Izvor: B92

Wednesday, 10.10.2018.


(EPA-EFE, file)

"Pristina on big defensive, Serbia on offensive"

The minister added that, on the other hand, Serbia continues to lobby some countries to withdraw their recognition of Kosovo. And Dacic is certain that by the end of the year, there will be more such withdrawals, which is why he expects the number of countries recognizing Kosovo to quickly fall below 100.

"It's important because of the negotiating position, because in Pristina they say, 'why do we have to negotiate with you when 116 states recognize us.' They nailed that list, hung it on the door - and it's a big lie, as some countries have withdrawn their recognition," said Dacic.

According to him, Pristina is now "on a big defensive, not understanding realistically the situation they're in, and spending most of the time with those countries that have recognized Kosovo, so they don't withdraw it."

"They do not realize that the majority of important international actors are very interested in reaching a certain agreement based on a compromise. They (Pristina) are only making their position more difficult because there are disagreements about it within the Pristina elite," the minister explained.

The fact that Pristina has not yet formed the Community of Serb Municipalities (ZSO) is proof it does not intend to implement what has been agreed in the Brussels agreement, Dacic said.

Commenting on an IPSOS poll that showed 44 percent of citizens are not in favor of "delimitation" as a solution to the Kosovo issue, he said that it was "difficult to define what the Serbian citizens would most gladly choose."

"Most citizens still think that Kosovo and Metohija is a part of Serbia. Many are in favor of a frozen conflict, but everyone needs to agree on that, and there should be no consequences for the future, that is, that there is no pressure from the outside to solve this issue, which is almost impossible because there is the desire of Serbia to join the EU," Dacic concluded.

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