Serbian MP tells Council of Europe "Crimea is Russia"

Serbian Assembly member Aleksandar Seselj has told a meeting of the Council of Europe Parliamentary Assembly (PACE) that Crimea is an integral part of Russia.

Izvor: Beta

Wednesday, 27.06.2018.


Serbian MP tells Council of Europe
(YouTube, screen capture)

Serbian MP tells Council of Europe "Crimea is Russia"

On the second day of the fall session of PACE, Aleksandar Seselj said that the organization's members from Russia have been excluded from its work because Russia was accused of annexing Crimea, and that several declarations and resolutions have been passed regarding democracy and the state of human rights in Russia.

"The people of Crimea had their say on March 16, 2014, and decided that they did not want to stay in a country going through a fascist renaissance, with disciples of Stepan Bandera, who took power in Kiev. The people of Crimea did not want their destiny to be like the destiny of their compatriots in Odessa," Seselj said.

According to him, the recent elections in Russia could serve as a lesson of democracy throughout Europe because the turnout was greater than 70 percent, while Russian President Vladimir Putin received support from more than 75 percent of citizens - more than 90 percent in Crimea.

At the same time, the turnout in the European Parliament elections was less than 45 percent, he remarked.

Seselj added that European countries and European institutions should return to their original foundations, instead of "supporting neo-Nazi regimes across the continent."

Aleksandar Seselj caused a stir on Tuesday when he entered into a verbal clash with Croatian Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic during the first day of the PACE session.

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