Serbian FM says US diplomat's comments are "nonsense"

Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic has rejected the assessment of US diplomat Brian Hoyt Yee that Serbia was "sitting on two chairs."

Izvor: Beta

Thursday, 26.10.2017.


Serbian FM says US diplomat's comments are
(Tanjug, file)

Serbian FM says US diplomat's comments are "nonsense"

Dacic told reporters in Belgrade that Serbia will continue to work in accordance with its state and national interests, "regardless of what they are saying, from the sidelines."

According to the foreign minister, who is also Serbia's first deputy prime minister, his country is "not interested in anyone else's chairs, nor does it have two chairs - instead it only has one, and that is Serbia."

Commenting on the US State Department official's statement that Serbia must clearly choose a side - he said this was "nonsense."

"That's nonsense. It's all nonsense. I think that some people, including the State Department representatives, have watched too much War of the Worlds, and science fiction stories," said Dacic.

Yee arrived here on Monday when he took part in an economic summit, before meeting with the Serbian president and other officials the next day.

On Monday, he "expressed concern over the perception that Serbia was on the road to the EU with one foot, and on the road toward an alliance with Russia with the other," Beta said in its report today.

"Countries that want to enter the EU have to show this decision clearly. You cannot sit on two chairs, especially if they are so far apart," said he.

Yee revisited this in an interview for VOA on Thursday, when he said he was "merely using an old saying" and that it was "possible to sit on two chairs, but not at the same time."

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