PM hands over transcript of interview to Russian ambassador

Serbian PM Ana Brnabic has handed a full transcript of her recent interview to the US agency Bloomberg to Russia’s ambassador in Belgrade, Aleksandr Chepurin.

Izvor: B92

Thursday, 06.07.2017.


PM hands over transcript of interview to Russian ambassador
(Tanjug, file)

PM hands over transcript of interview to Russian ambassador

TASS reported late on Thursday that Zakharova said Chepurin met with Brnabic "to determine what exactly she said (during the interview)."

During her meeting with Chepurin, Brnabic "assured Russia’s ambassador that her words about the country’s alleged choice of the European Union (membership, over closer ties with Russia) were misinterpreted by US media," TASS reported, and quoted Zakharova as saying:

"The Serbian prime minister said her words had been misinterpreted by the US news agency, and handed over a full transcript of her interview with Bloomberg, which had no words attributed to her. We judge by these explanations."

B92 English on July 4 published a translated version of an article that first appeared on our Serbian language website - with Tanjug as the source - while using quotes published on under the headline, "Serbia will choose EU over Russia if forced, premier says."

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