Serbian FM: We won't join European anti-Russian sanctions

Serbian First Deputy PM and Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic and Russian Deputy PM Dmitry Rogozin met on Thursday in Suzdal, RF.

Izvor: Tanjug

Thursday, 03.11.2016.


Serbian FM: We won't join European anti-Russian sanctions

Serbian FM: We won't join European anti-Russian sanctions

They discussed specific bilateral topics, current matters relating to trade and economic cooperation and fundamental directions for development thereof, the Serbian Ministry of Foreign Affairs said in a statement.

Dacic and Rogozin "expressed mutual readiness to work towards further improvement of cooperation, as well as the expectation that agreements to be reached at the committee meeting, as well as work towards enriching the contractual and legal basis, would further boost overall economic ties."

Speaking during a break in the work of the committee on Thursday, Dacic reiterated that his country would not impose sanctions on Russia.

"Serbia is consistent in its policy and we will not join European anti-Russian sanctions," he said, adding that "in line with such a policy, economic cooperation must make further progress."

Dacic also expressed Belgrade's gratitude to Russia for vetoing a Srebrenica draft resolution in the UN Security Council, and for voting against Kosovo's membership in UNESCO.

Dmitry Rogozin said relations between Russia and Serbia are "constantly developing" and described Serbia as Russia's "strategic partner in the Balkans."

"Russia sees great possibilities to improve cooperation in the sectors of tourism, health care, construction, communications, banking, and industry," the Russian official said.

According to Rogozin, Russia's investments in Serbia's energy sector have reached about three billion dollars, while Moscow "plans to invest even more in Serbia's economy."

Rogozin mentioned the investment in the modernization of Serbia's railway network as an example of this.

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