K. Mitrovica: Citizens rally in support of Oliver Ivanovic

Citizens gathered on Friday in the northern part of Kosovska Mitrovica in support of leader of the Citizens' Initiative SDP Oliver Ivanovic.

Izvor: Tanjug

Friday, 29.01.2016.


K. Mitrovica: Citizens rally in support of Oliver Ivanovic

K. Mitrovica: Citizens rally in support of Oliver Ivanovic

Protesters are carrying Serbian flags and banners reading “Freedom for Ivanovic”. Serbs from all parts of Kosovo have come to the protest, including the displaced ones.

Ivanovic was last week convicted of war crimes that took place in Kosovska Mitrovica in 1999. On Thursday, he was transferred from home detention to prison after the Court of Appeals in Pristina upheld the prosecution's appeal.

Ivanovic's defense attorney said on Thursday evening that the decision was completely unnecessary, and that the defense would appeal the first-instance judgment.

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