Government adopts national strategy for gender equality

The Serbian government on Thursday adopted a new national strategy for gender equality for the period 2016-2020 and action plan for its implementation.

Izvor: Tanjug

Friday, 15.01.2016.


Government adopts national strategy for gender equality
The Serbian government HQ in Belgrade (Tanjug, file)

Government adopts national strategy for gender equality

Serbia’s Deputy Prime Minister and President of the Coordination Body for Gender Equality Zorana Mihajlovic said that the new strategy and action plan provided for measures to take to ensure economic empowerment of women and increase their involvement in political life, It also provides for appointing women to senior republic and local government positions, Mihajlovic said.

The government will adopt the new law on gender equality soon, and after that prepare bylaws concerning women employment and combating gender-based violence, said Mihajlovic.

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