"EU observer mission to monitor local elections"

EU Special Representative in Kosovo Samuel Žbogar has said that the EU will send an observer mission of 100 people to monitor the local elections in Kosovo.

Izvor: Tanjug

Thursday, 19.09.2013.


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KOSOVSKA MITROVICA EU Special Representative in Kosovo Samuel Zbogar has said that the EU will send an observer mission of 100 people to monitor the local elections in Kosovo. Zbogar was in Kosovska Mitrovica on Wednesday, where he met with Oliver Ivanovic, mayoral candidate in the northern Kosovo town. "EU observer mission to monitor local elections" The Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) will facilitate the holding of the elections in Kosovo, scheduled for November 3, Zbogar said. "We will send a mission of about 100 people to observe the election process in all the communities, Zbogar said. They will monitor both the elections and the pre-election campaign, and interview all the candidates to learn about various ideas for the development of the region," he added. He strongly condemned the recent attack on the family of Oliver Ivanovic, stressing that the international community does not approve of such incidents. Ivanovic said that he is grateful to Zbogar and the European Union for condemning the attack on his family, adding that this move will help create the conditions for a normal holding of elections. “We talked about the elections and the climate that is being created,” Ivanovic said, adding that the current climate is not favorable for the elections and that the Serbian government is not doing enough to change it. “I think that ministers have to understand the gravity of the situation and come to Kosovo and say to the people what the Serbs can count on, since those who are calling for boycott say that participation in the elections means loss of jobs,” said Ivanovic. Samuel Zbogar (Tanjug) Tanjug

"EU observer mission to monitor local elections"

The Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) will facilitate the holding of the elections in Kosovo, scheduled for November 3, Žbogar said.

"We will send a mission of about 100 people to observe the election process in all the communities, Žbogar said. They will monitor both the elections and the pre-election campaign, and interview all the candidates to learn about various ideas for the development of the region," he added.

He strongly condemned the recent attack on the family of Oliver Ivanović, stressing that the international community does not approve of such incidents.

Ivanović said that he is grateful to Žbogar and the European Union for condemning the attack on his family, adding that this move will help create the conditions for a normal holding of elections.

“We talked about the elections and the climate that is being created,” Ivanovic said, adding that the current climate is not favorable for the elections and that the Serbian government is not doing enough to change it.

“I think that ministers have to understand the gravity of the situation and come to Kosovo and say to the people what the Serbs can count on, since those who are calling for boycott say that participation in the elections means loss of jobs,” said Ivanović.

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