Vučić confirms: "We talked with Strauss-Kahn"

Aleksandar Vučić has confirmed that he <a href="" class="text-link" target= "_blank">"talked" with former chief of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) Dominique Strauss-Kahn</a>.

Izvor: Tanjug

Wednesday, 31.07.2013.


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BELGRADE Aleksandar Vucic has confirmed that he "talked" with former chief of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) Dominique Strauss-Kahn. They discussed the possibility of Strauss-Kahn assuming the post of a special economic advisor to the Serbian government, the leader of the Serb Progressive Party (SNS) and Serbia's first deputy prime minister said on Wednesday. Vucic confirms: "We talked with Strauss-Kahn" "We talked with Mr. Strauss-Kahn, but not about his becoming a minister, as some media announced, but rather a special advisor," Vucic told the Belgrade-based tabloid Informer. The modernization of Serbia is the main task of this government, Vucic said, noting that with that in mind the authorities will hire people from across the world, economic experts who could help the government realize that goal. The SNS leader is not concealing his irritation at the criticism which the Democratic Party (DS) voiced against this plan. He thinks this is just another proof of resistance to changes in Serbia. "We will change Serbia for the better as long as we have a mandate to do so. If someone thinks that they could do better, if someone wants to stop Serbia and push it back then they should try to stand for election with such a policy," Vucic said. (Tanjug, file) Tanjug

Vučić confirms: "We talked with Strauss-Kahn"

"We talked with Mr. Strauss-Kahn, but not about his becoming a minister, as some media announced, but rather a special advisor," Vučić told the Belgrade-based tabloid Informer.

The modernization of Serbia is the main task of this government, Vučić said, noting that with that in mind the authorities will hire people from across the world, economic experts who could help the government realize that goal.

The SNS leader is not concealing his irritation at the criticism which the Democratic Party (DS) voiced against this plan.

He thinks this is just another proof of resistance to changes in Serbia.

"We will change Serbia for the better as long as we have a mandate to do so. If someone thinks that they could do better, if someone wants to stop Serbia and push it back then they should try to stand for election with such a policy," Vučić said.

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