Presidency of Progressive Party meets in Belgrade

The presidency of the SNS is discussing the proposal of PM Ivica Dačić that the government should continue to without the URS and its leader Mladjan Dinkić.

Izvor: B92

Wednesday, 31.07.2013.


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BELGRADE The presidency of the SNS is discussing the proposal of PM Ivica Dacic that the government should continue to without the URS and its leader Mladjan Dinkic. Presidency of Progressive Party meets in Belgrade Dacic called on the SNS to continue to work together in the Serbian government, and said that if the Progressives did not accept it, the only solution would be elections or a new coalition without his SPS party. SNS leader Aleksandar Vucic has so far not given any official statement on the latest twist in the cabinet reshuffle talks. In the meantime, URS leader and Finance and Economy Minister Mladjan Dinkic called a press conference and accused the prime minister of misleading the public in order to retain the premiership. Dinkic also said that his party would in the future act as "constructive opposition." In his own news conference held earlier on Tuesday, Dacic said that Dinkic's "offer about new positions" was entirely unacceptable, while the leader of the URS said the Progressives (SNS) found it acceptable - and that he heard this from Aleksandar Vucic. Also, Dinkic stated that he "did not ask, but was offered." Finally, Dacic stated that Dinkic was offered to choose a third department, with the exception of finance and economy, where he said he did not think Dinkic performed well. Dinkic, however, said that Dacic was caught by surprise by the URS agreeing to have the Finance and Economy Ministry split in two, and, as he did not expect this outcome, the prime minister "became afraid for his own position if the SNS got these ministries, and therefore decided not to cooperate with the URS." Meanwhile SNS officials have indicated that the party does not share the Socialists' (SPS) view on the United Regions of Serbia (URS). Vice President of the SNS Nebojsa Stefanovic told this to B92. Former leader of the SNS, now the president of Serbia, Tomislav Nikolic, supported the proposal of Prime Minister Dacic that "those who led the finance and economy should not longer do it." Nikolic met with Dacic on Tuesday afternoon and called on the SNS "to rise above party interests that are now telling it to go for early elections," and insread finish the government reshuffle quickly. According to Nikolic, "there's always time for elections." (Tanjug) B92 Tanjug

Presidency of Progressive Party meets in Belgrade

Dačić called on the SNS to continue to work together in the Serbian government, and said that if the Progressives did not accept it, the only solution would be elections or a new coalition without his SPS party.

SNS leader Aleksandar Vučić has so far not given any official statement on the latest twist in the cabinet reshuffle talks.

In the meantime, URS leader and Finance and Economy Minister Mlađan Dinkić called a press conference and accused the prime minister of misleading the public in order to retain the premiership. Dinkić also said that his party would in the future act as "constructive opposition."

In his own news conference held earlier on Tuesday, Dačić said that Dinkić's "offer about new positions" was entirely unacceptable, while the leader of the URS said the Progressives (SNS) found it acceptable - and that he heard this from Aleksandar Vučić. Also, Dinkić stated that he "did not ask, but was offered."

Finally, Dačić stated that Dinkić was offered to choose a third department, with the exception of finance and economy, where he said he did not think Dinkić performed well.

Dinkić, however, said that Dačić was caught by surprise by the URS agreeing to have the Finance and Economy Ministry split in two, and, as he did not expect this outcome, the prime minister "became afraid for his own position if the SNS got these ministries, and therefore decided not to cooperate with the URS."

Meanwhile SNS officials have indicated that the party does not share the Socialists' (SPS) view on the United Regions of Serbia (URS). Vice President of the SNS Nebojša Stefanović told this to B92.

Former leader of the SNS, now the president of Serbia, Tomislav Nikolić, supported the proposal of Prime Minister Dačić that "those who led the finance and economy should not longer do it."

Nikolić met with Dačić on Tuesday afternoon and called on the SNS "to rise above party interests that are now telling it to go for early elections," and insread finish the government reshuffle quickly. According to Nikolić, "there's always time for elections."

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