Šutanovac: Govt. not in peril

Defence Minister Dragan Šutanovac says Prime Minister Mirko Cvetković’s government has sufficient capacity to weather the effects of the global economic crisis.

Izvor: Tanjug

Saturday, 28.02.2009.


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Defence Minister Dragan Sutanovac says Prime Minister Mirko Cvetkovic’s government has sufficient capacity to weather the effects of the global economic crisis. He added that the alleged political scandals were aimed at drawing the public's attention away from the real problems and the government's efforts to resolve those problems. Sutanovac: Govt. not in peril "Reshuffling the government is not something we should discuss now, particularly as since it was first set up, there have been no major disputes between its members, but only differences over certain issues," Sutanovac said in an interview with Tanjug. The defense minister also pointed to the fact that the attention of the public was too often being drawn away from the government's objective results to the more attractive media information on supposed scandals and disagreements within the ruling coalition. He pointed out that it was impossible to compare the results of Cvetkovic's government with the results of previous governments, because Serbia could no longer count on huge revenues from privatization, and also because the country was now faced with an economic crisis, the biggest of its kind since 1929. Commenting on the forthcoming review of results of the work of the various ministries announced by President Boris Tadic and Cvetkovic, Sutanovac said that he had already presented his report on the work of the Defense Ministry, but not of the High Command. That report would be submitted sometime in March, just like it was last year, he added. "I do not know what criteria the results will be based on, but I have to say that I am in charge of a very complex and difficult system, and all of the segments of this system have made positive progress, which everyone can see," the minister said. Dragan Sutanovac (Tanjug)

Šutanovac: Govt. not in peril

"Reshuffling the government is not something we should discuss now, particularly as since it was first set up, there have been no major disputes between its members, but only differences over certain issues," Šutanovac said in an interview with Tanjug.

The defense minister also pointed to the fact that the attention of the public was too often being drawn away from the government's objective results to the more attractive media information on supposed scandals and disagreements within the ruling coalition.

He pointed out that it was impossible to compare the results of Cvetkovic's government with the results of previous governments, because Serbia could no longer count on huge revenues from privatization, and also because the country was now faced with an economic crisis, the biggest of its kind since 1929.

Commenting on the forthcoming review of results of the work of the various ministries announced by President Boris Tadić and Cvetković, Šutanovac said that he had already presented his report on the work of the Defense Ministry, but not of the High Command.

That report would be submitted sometime in March, just like it was last year, he added.

"I do not know what criteria the results will be based on, but I have to say that I am in charge of a very complex and difficult system, and all of the segments of this system have made positive progress, which everyone can see," the minister said.

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