Bogdanović cracks down on rogue Serb municipality

Kosovo Minister Goran Bogdanović says that the (Serb) leadership of the Priština municipality are not behaving in line with the law.

Izvor: Beta

Saturday, 28.02.2009.


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Kosovo Minister Goran Bogdanovic says that the (Serb) leadership of the Pristina municipality are not behaving in line with the law. He says that the municipality will not receive any funds for salary distribution as a result. Bogdanovic cracks down on rogue Serb municipality The municipality in question is a Serb-run institution, run parallel to the Albanian municipality and relocated to Gracanica. Bogdanovic told Beta that the municipal leadership, despite two recommendations from the Kosovo Ministry, was continuing to calculate earnings as it suited them and was continuing to take on new staff. “Instead of reducing salaries in keeping with the situation, they are constantly increasing their staff numbers, who they employ on the basis of party and family affiliations,” said the minister. He added that the municipal leadership was dismissing those participating in protests, contrary to the law and ministry instructions. Employees at the Pristina City Assembly in Gracanica received their last salary in December. Assembly Speaker Radovan Nicic said that the municipal leadership would respect the law and not the minister’s recommendations. Nicic said the drafting of a rulebook on systemization of working positions and other normative acts was almost complete. He added that these acts existed neither in the assembly, nor in communal or public companies and institutions. The speaker denied that a group of around 10 workers who blocked the City Assembly’s HQ in December had been fired. These people had been issued “disciplinary measures” and had been charged, he explained. Goran Bogdanovic (Tanjug, archive)

Bogdanović cracks down on rogue Serb municipality

The municipality in question is a Serb-run institution, run parallel to the Albanian municipality and relocated to Gračanica.

Bogdanović told Beta that the municipal leadership, despite two recommendations from the Kosovo Ministry, was continuing to calculate earnings as it suited them and was continuing to take on new staff.

“Instead of reducing salaries in keeping with the situation, they are constantly increasing their staff numbers, who they employ on the basis of party and family affiliations,” said the minister.

He added that the municipal leadership was dismissing those participating in protests, contrary to the law and ministry instructions.

Employees at the Priština City Assembly in Gračanica received their last salary in December.

Assembly Speaker Radovan Ničić said that the municipal leadership would respect the law and not the minister’s recommendations.

Ničić said the drafting of a rulebook on systemization of working positions and other normative acts was almost complete. He added that these acts existed neither in the assembly, nor in communal or public companies and institutions.

The speaker denied that a group of around 10 workers who blocked the City Assembly’s HQ in December had been fired.

These people had been issued “disciplinary measures” and had been charged, he explained.

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