Đilas gains support for party voting system

B92 has learned that a proposal to introduce a delegate voting system for the opposition Democratic Party's electoral assembly had been adopted on Saturday.

Izvor: B92

Sunday, 09.09.2012.


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BELGRADE B92 has learned that a proposal to introduce a delegate voting system for the opposition Democratic Party's electoral assembly had been adopted on Saturday. This happened when the DS presidency met ahead of the party's main board session. Djilas gains support for party voting system The proposal had been tabled by Belgrade Mayor and top DS official Dragan Djilas, and was supported by 15 members of the presidency, while party leader Boris Tadic had the support of 11. Tadic argued in favor of the party's future leadership being elected directly, during the upcoming assembly. According to reports, Djilas gained the backing of Bojan Pajtic, Gordana Comic, Dusan Elezovic, Borislav Stefanovic, Bozidar Djelic, Ruzica Djindjic, Milan Markovic and Tamara Milosevic. On the other hand, Tadic's suggestion was supported by Dragoljub Micunovic, Dusan Petrovic, Marko Djurisic - "and members of the presidency from the south". Dragan Sutanovac abstained from voting, while the remaining member of the party presidency, Jelena Trivan, resigned earlier and did not vote. On Saturday, the main board held a lengthy and stormy debate, and decided that the party's electoral assembly would be held on November 10 - a date proposed by Tadic. Tadcc also announce he would be a candidate for the position of DS president. B92 has learned that Djilas will also stand - "if party branches demand it". Some two months ago, Djilas said that he would not run in the party elections if Tadic decided to do so. But B92's sources are now saying that he will take part in the race to become the party's leader if he receives the support of a sufficient number of local DS branches. The DS main board meeting on Saturday (Tanjug) B92

Đilas gains support for party voting system

The proposal had been tabled by Belgrade Mayor and top DS official Dragan Đilas, and was supported by 15 members of the presidency, while party leader Boris Tadić had the support of 11.

Tadić argued in favor of the party's future leadership being elected directly, during the upcoming assembly.

According to reports, Đilas gained the backing of Bojan Pajtić, Gordana Čomić, Dušan Elezović, Borislav Stefanović, Božidar Đelić, Ružica Đinđić, Milan Marković and Tamara Milošević.

On the other hand, Tadić's suggestion was supported by Dragoljub Mićunović, Dušan Petrović, Marko Đurišić - "and members of the presidency from the south".

Dragan Šutanovac abstained from voting, while the remaining member of the party presidency, Jelena Trivan, resigned earlier and did not vote.

On Saturday, the main board held a lengthy and stormy debate, and decided that the party's electoral assembly would be held on November 10 - a date proposed by Tadić.

Tadćć also announce he would be a candidate for the position of DS president. B92 has learned that Đilas will also stand - "if party branches demand it".

Some two months ago, Đilas said that he would not run in the party elections if Tadić decided to do so. But B92's sources are now saying that he will take part in the race to become the party's leader if he receives the support of a sufficient number of local DS branches.

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