KFOR says it removed barricades in north

KFOR Spokesman Uwe Nowitzki has said that KFOR troops removed barricades on Saturday and that Jarinje and Brnjak crossings were open for traffic.

Izvor: Beta

Sunday, 19.02.2012.


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KFOR Spokesman Uwe Nowitzki has said that KFOR troops removed barricades on Saturday and that Jarinje and Brnjak crossings were open for traffic. “We have cleared the roads leading to both crossings so the main roads leading through the two crossings are open for all types of traffic,” he told Beta news agency. KFOR says it removed barricades in north He denied northern Serb representatives’ allegations that a road from Jarinje to the village of Rudnica is still blocked and that vehicles are using alternative roads. Serb sources from Leposavic told Beta news agency earlier that the road was still blocked. The local Serbs also claim that barricades were built on the road leading from the Brnjak administrative crossing to the village of Ribarice. Beta

KFOR says it removed barricades in north

He denied northern Serb representatives’ allegations that a road from Jarinje to the village of Rudnica is still blocked and that vehicles are using alternative roads.

Serb sources from Leposavić told Beta news agency earlier that the road was still blocked.

The local Serbs also claim that barricades were built on the road leading from the Brnjak administrative crossing to the village of Ribariće.

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