"Serbia's aim not NATO membership, future in cooperation"
NATO accession is not a proclaimed goal of the Serbian government and many Serbs "do not view NATO in a positive light", a gathering in Belgrade heard today.
Thursday, 15.09.2011.

NATO accession is not a proclaimed goal of the Serbian government and many Serbs "do not view NATO in a positive light", a gathering in Belgrade heard today. But the country's future lies in cooperation with neighbors and the alliance, officials stated during the ceremony of the 10th anniversary of the foundation of the Atlantic Council of Serbia (ASS). "Serbia's aim not NATO membership, future in cooperation" NATO Assistant Secretary for Public Diplomacy Stefanie Babst pointed out that the pace of cooperation between NATO and Serbia depends on the country alone. Serbia will determine the pace of our cooperation, not NATO, Babst said and added that NATO always needs Serbia's support and that the Alliance expects Serbia to present its action plan in Chicago next year. Congratulating the council on the results achieved over the past ten years, Babst pointed out that it was important to make it possible for Serbian citizens to learn more about NATO, while President of the Greek Association for Atlantic and European cooperation Theodossis Georgiou pointed out that the public needs to be informed about the effect of NATO and EU on citizens' lives. According to ASS management board chairman Miroslav Milicevic, its greatest strength lies in its young members from all walks of life, such as economy, education, army and similar areas. NATO Parliamentary Assembly President Karl Lamers said that 10 years of the council work represent a great success, especially at a time when, as he said, it is not so easy to promote trans-Atlantic relations. He believes that since its foundation in 1954, NATO has helped present and future leaders to unite. During the reception in Hotel Continental, council President Vladan Zivulovic delivered presents to guests from abroad. Ivica Dacic and Karl Lamers attend the gathering (Tanjug)
"Serbia's aim not NATO membership, future in cooperation"
NATO Assistant Secretary for Public Diplomacy Stefanie Babst pointed out that the pace of cooperation between NATO and Serbia depends on the country alone.Serbia will determine the pace of our cooperation, not NATO, Babst said and added that NATO always needs Serbia's support and that the Alliance expects Serbia to present its action plan in Chicago next year.
Congratulating the council on the results achieved over the past ten years, Babst pointed out that it was important to make it possible for Serbian citizens to learn more about NATO, while President of the Greek Association for Atlantic and European cooperation Theodossis Georgiou pointed out that the public needs to be informed about the effect of NATO and EU on citizens' lives.
According to ASS management board chairman Miroslav Milićević, its greatest strength lies in its young members from all walks of life, such as economy, education, army and similar areas.
NATO Parliamentary Assembly President Karl Lamers said that 10 years of the council work represent a great success, especially at a time when, as he said, it is not so easy to promote trans-Atlantic relations.
He believes that since its foundation in 1954, NATO has helped present and future leaders to unite.
During the reception in Hotel Continental, council President Vladan Živulović delivered presents to guests from abroad.
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