Kosovo Serbs mark anniversary

Thousands of Kosovo Serbs in the north of the province remembered the victims of NATO's attacks on Serbia in 1999.

Izvor: B92

Tuesday, 24.03.2009.


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Thousands of Kosovo Serbs in the north of the province remembered the victims of NATO's attacks on Serbia in 1999. They organized a peace march from northern Kosovska Mitrovica to Zvecan this Tuesday. Kosovo Serbs mark anniversary Previously, at the Monument of the Truth, close to the main bridge on the Ibar River in the ethnically divided northern Kosovo town, families of those killed and representatives of institutions and political parties placed flowers. At noon, air raid sirens were sounded, as a long line of athletes, students, and employees of the local culture institutions set off for Zvecan. The gathering symbolically started at 12:44 CET, to remind of UNSCR 1244. President of the Serb National Council of Northern Kosovo and Metohija Milan Ivanovic said that the NATO aggression ever stopped and that it goes on today through Albanian extremists who continue with crimes against Serbs. According to him, Kosovo Albanian institutions in Pristina are withholding electricity, water and basic utilities, causing a humanitarian catastrophe. The Serb enclave of Gracanica also marked the anniversary with a church service dedicated to the souls of the dead. The Kosovo Pristina municipality and Kosovo Directorate District representatives placed wreaths at the Kosovo Heroes monument in the center of the village. President of the Association of the Serb Municipalities in Kosovo and Metohija Radovan Nicic told KiM Radio that the position of the Serbs did not change after the bombing campaign stopped and that the Serb nation, under such difficult conditions, needs unity above all. Kosovo Serbs mark the anniversary in Kosovska Mitrovica on Tuesday (Beta)

Kosovo Serbs mark anniversary

Previously, at the Monument of the Truth, close to the main bridge on the Ibar River in the ethnically divided northern Kosovo town, families of those killed and representatives of institutions and political parties placed flowers.

At noon, air raid sirens were sounded, as a long line of athletes, students, and employees of the local culture institutions set off for Zvečan.

The gathering symbolically started at 12:44 CET, to remind of UNSCR 1244.

President of the Serb National Council of Northern Kosovo and Metohija Milan Ivanović said that the NATO aggression ever stopped and that it goes on today through Albanian extremists who continue with crimes against Serbs.

According to him, Kosovo Albanian institutions in Priština are withholding electricity, water and basic utilities, causing a humanitarian catastrophe.

The Serb enclave of Gračanica also marked the anniversary with a church service dedicated to the souls of the dead. The Kosovo Priština municipality and Kosovo Directorate District representatives placed wreaths at the Kosovo Heroes monument in the center of the village.

President of the Association of the Serb Municipalities in Kosovo and Metohija Radovan Ničić told KiM Radio that the position of the Serbs did not change after the bombing campaign stopped and that the Serb nation, under such difficult conditions, needs unity above all.

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