Greece unmoved by EP resolution

Greece has no plans to alter its stance on Kosovo despite the adoption of yesterday's EP resolution calling on states that have not recognized Kosovo to do so.

Izvor: Beta

Friday, 06.02.2009.


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Greece has no plans to alter its stance on Kosovo despite the adoption of yesterday's EP resolution calling on states that have not recognized Kosovo to do so. A spokesman from the Greek embassy in Belgrade stressed that all Greek MEPs who attended yesterday’s debate at the European Parliament in Strasbourg “voted against the resolution.“ Greece unmoved by EP resolution Of the EU’s 27 member-states, only five have not recognized Kosovo—Cyprus, Spain, Greece, Slovakia and Romania. The spokesman added that Greek Foreign Minister Dora Bakoyannis had reiterated during her visit this week to Belgrade and Pristina that Athens’ position on the matter of recognition had not changed. The EP adopted a resolution on Kosovo yesterday, accompanied by an amendment calling on all EU members to recognize the province’s unilateral independence.

Greece unmoved by EP resolution

Of the EU’s 27 member-states, only five have not recognized Kosovo—Cyprus, Spain, Greece, Slovakia and Romania.

The spokesman added that Greek Foreign Minister Dora Bakoyannis had reiterated during her visit this week to Belgrade and Priština that Athens’ position on the matter of recognition had not changed.

The EP adopted a resolution on Kosovo yesterday, accompanied by an amendment calling on all EU members to recognize the province’s unilateral independence.

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