CoE Secretary-General: I understand Serbia

Council of Europe (CoE) Secretary General Terry Davis says he will defend Serbia's territorial integrity.

Izvor: Tanjug

Friday, 25.01.2008.


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Council of Europe (CoE) Secretary General Terry Davis says he will defend Serbia's territorial integrity. Davis said he would do so just as he would when any other CoE member-state was concerned, adding that it was the UN Security Council (SC) that should decide on Kosovo's status. CoE Secretary-General: I understand Serbia “If Kosovo declares independence, the CoE's stand will depend on its member governments,” Davis said in an interview for the Thursday issue of Belgrade daily Vecernje Novosti. Davis remarked that the UN was not able to make a decision on Kosovo’s future status. “It is the UN that decides on state borders, not us,” he stressed, adding that it did not look as if such a decision would be taken now. “I would like it very much if the UN reached a decision, whatever it may be,” Davis said. “It is not for me to say what that decision should be, and the only thing that I know is that the Security Council is divided on this issue,” he added. On Tuesday, members of the CoE Parliamentary Assembly adopted a resolution supporting the resumption of negotiations and rejecting any interference in determining Kosovo's status. “I keep on giving credit to Serbia for the way in which it accepted the decision on Montenegro's independence,” Davis said, concluding that he knew, however, that there were strong feelings regarding Kosovo’s future status, which was why he did not want to say anything that might be misinterpreted or raise concern.

CoE Secretary-General: I understand Serbia

“If Kosovo declares independence, the CoE's stand will depend on its member governments,” Davis said in an interview for the Thursday issue of Belgrade daily Večernje Novosti.

Davis remarked that the UN was not able to make a decision on Kosovo’s future status.

“It is the UN that decides on state borders, not us,” he stressed, adding that it did not look as if such a decision would be taken now.

“I would like it very much if the UN reached a decision, whatever it may be,” Davis said.

“It is not for me to say what that decision should be, and the only thing that I know is that the Security Council is divided on this issue,” he added.

On Tuesday, members of the CoE Parliamentary Assembly adopted a resolution supporting the resumption of negotiations and rejecting any interference in determining Kosovo's status.

“I keep on giving credit to Serbia for the way in which it accepted the decision on Montenegro's independence,” Davis said, concluding that he knew, however, that there were strong feelings regarding Kosovo’s future status, which was why he did not want to say anything that might be misinterpreted or raise concern.

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