Weapons seized, officials arrested in Kosovo

Kosovo police (KPS) and KFOR confiscated a large amount of weapons in Glogovac last night.

Izvor: Beta

Thursday, 21.12.2006.


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Weapons seized, officials arrested in Kosovo

However, he did not disclose the identities of those placed in police custody. The media for its part speculates that a Kosovo government official is among those arrested last night.

“We are still uncertain about the amount of weapons in question, since the search of the location continues. KFOR is involved in the investigation, since the weapons cache contained a certain amount of explosives, which falls under their jurisdiction”, the police spokesman said.

Meanwhile, the Priština media report that two members of Kosovo’s ruling coalition are among those arrested, one of whom is allegedly a government official.

Radio Kosovo names the pair as Skenderbej Habibi and Naim Bazaj, Alliance for the Future of Kosovo members.

The government in Priština issued a statement in effect confirming the speculation, expressing “strong condemnation of the involvement of one of its officials in illegal activities.

“The prime minister and the government condemn any illegal action regardless of who perpetrates it in the strongest terms and remains convinced that such people have no place in Kosovo’s government”, the statement says.

It goes on to congratulate the security forces on carrying out a successful operation of discovering and confiscating the illegal weapons.

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