U.S. to Serbia: Choose Europe over Kosovo

Daniel Fried has called on Serbia Saturday to give up on Kosovo and choose a future within the EU instead.

Izvor: AFP

Saturday, 07.07.2007.


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U.S. to Serbia: Choose Europe over Kosovo

"The answer from us is: you are welcome, we want you," he said.

Fried spoke on the margins of a summit of Southeast European countries held in the Croatian resort of Dubrovnik named The Croatia Summit 2007: Europe’s New South set to focus on the immediate issues of Southeast Europe and emphasize the region’s status within the Euro-Atlantic framework and NATO. 

He said that the summit's message was that the Balkans countries could, like central European states, be successful in their Euro-Atlantic integration if they manage to overcome the obstacle posed by the problem of Kosovo's future status.

"The irony is that ... the only way for all Serbs to live in one political entity was [the former} Yugoslavia, and then Serbian nationalists destroyed it during the 1990s wars," Fried said.

"The second way for all Serbs to live in one political community is for everyone to join the EU and the only way for that to happen is the Kosovo status to be resolved."

"We are still working with the Security Council; we haven't given up this process. It is in all ways preferable to do it with the Security Council," Fried stressed.

Asked whether Kosovo Albanians would be patient, Fried replied: "Kosovo Albanians heard U.S. President Bush. He was very clear. Independence for Kosovo is going to be the outcome."

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