New survey on corruption in Serbia

Some 90 percent of Serbian citizens believe that corruption is a customary occurrence in Serbia.

Izvor: Beta

Tuesday, 25.05.2010.


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Some 90 percent of Serbian citizens believe that corruption is a customary occurrence in Serbia. According to a Medium Gallop survey, the number of those who believe that corruption will decrease in the next year is less than 10 percent. New survey on corruption in Serbia The results show that citizens recognize corruption in political life and election campaigns, while many are not prepared to accept a bribe, but are unsure of when to report corruption. A total of 45 percent of Serbians believe that the level of corruption in Serbia has increased in the last year, while 38 percent believe that it has not changed. Most expect the same trend for next year. One-third of citizens expect more corruption while 13 percent believe that there will be less. A large majority, 89 percent, believes that the elite do not care about corruption that effects other people, and that large companies want a corrupted government because that brings them benefits. 77 percent of those who took part in the survey believe that politicians do not have the will to fight corruption and 87 percent believe that they also have an interest in maintaining its level. Four-fifths of people believe that the courts are important in fighting corruption but are tainted themselves to make things better. One-third of citizens know about someone close to them accepting a bribe in the last three months. 54 percent confirmed having given money to doctors and 19 percent said they bribed police officers. As many as 80 percent believe that political parties are corrupt. The citizens believe that the government is most responsible for fighting corruption, stating that stricter punishment is needed and that the state needs better control over public administration. 60 percent of people have heard of the Agency for Fighting Corruption, while one-third cannot tell whether the agency is helping with the problem. The survey was done in March and 601 people from all over Serbia were interviewed. The survey was commissioned by the UNDP office in Belgrade.

New survey on corruption in Serbia

The results show that citizens recognize corruption in political life and election campaigns, while many are not prepared to accept a bribe, but are unsure of when to report corruption.

A total of 45 percent of Serbians believe that the level of corruption in Serbia has increased in the last year, while 38 percent believe that it has not changed.

Most expect the same trend for next year. One-third of citizens expect more corruption while 13 percent believe that there will be less.

A large majority, 89 percent, believes that the elite do not care about corruption that effects other people, and that large companies want a corrupted government because that brings them benefits.

77 percent of those who took part in the survey believe that politicians do not have the will to fight corruption and 87 percent believe that they also have an interest in maintaining its level.

Four-fifths of people believe that the courts are important in fighting corruption but are tainted themselves to make things better.

One-third of citizens know about someone close to them accepting a bribe in the last three months.

54 percent confirmed having given money to doctors and 19 percent said they bribed police officers.

As many as 80 percent believe that political parties are corrupt.

The citizens believe that the government is most responsible for fighting corruption, stating that stricter punishment is needed and that the state needs better control over public administration.

60 percent of people have heard of the Agency for Fighting Corruption, while one-third cannot tell whether the agency is helping with the problem.

The survey was done in March and 601 people from all over Serbia were interviewed. The survey was commissioned by the UNDP office in Belgrade.

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