“Kill, rape, destroy”

Banja Luka’s ATV station broadcasted footage of Hamdija Delalić ordering murders and the destruction of villages.

Izvor: B92

Wednesday, 06.09.2006.


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“Kill, rape, destroy”

“A breach must be made. Kill all that stands in front of you. I am permitting and ordering that the enemies be killed using all necessary means, knives, bombs, hunting knives, teeth.” Delalić said to his soldiers in the video.

“Can we rape?”

Commanders of the 505 and 510 brigade of the V corps of the Bosnia-Herzegovina military, Izet Nanić and Amir Avdić are also seen in the video. When asking whether the soldiers were allowed to rape people, Delalić said that they have the right to do anything they want.

The aftermath

President of the Association of Western Bosnian Prisoners of War, Esad Čović, told ATV that the direct consequences of Delalić’s orders were the burning of several villages and many rapes.

Čović said that one woman that was raped several times and suffered more than 200 knife cuts on her body, adding that members of the 505 brigade carved their emblem into her body.

“She had a nervous break down because of this and unfortunately will never again be a person that you will be able to talk to.” Čović said.

“That brigade was led by the commander of the V corps of the Bosnia-Herzegovina army, General Atif Dudaković. The Association of Western Bosnian Prisoners of War sent documents to the Hague Tribunal in 1999 regarding the crimes of the V corps, but an answer never came back, so we decided to forward the documentation to the Bosnia-Herzegovina state prosecution.” Čović said.

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