200 illegal migrants caught in western border town

The Serbian police have carried out an operation in the town of Sid, on Serbia's northwestern border with Croatia, detaining more than 200 illegal migrants.

Izvor: RTS

Tuesday, 11.04.2017.


200 illegal migrants caught in western border town
(Tanjug, file)

200 illegal migrants caught in western border town

At the same time, the local reception center has been "unburdened" - with only migrant families with children remaining there.

The report said that "after the latest unpleasant events that migrants took part in" the local self-government, headed by Municipal President Predrag Vukovic, "undertook every measure to provide full safety to citizens."

"The reception center in Sid will either be relocated or, at the very least, it will no longer be a problem," said Vukovic.

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