Serb teenager stabbed near K. Mitrovica bridge

A 17-year-old Serb boy who was stabbed in the chest near the bridge on the Ibar River in Kosovska Mitrovica is in a stable condition after he underwent surgery.

Izvor: Tanjug

Friday, 10.04.2015.


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Aerial view of Kosovska Mitrovica (Beta, file)

Serb teenager stabbed near K. Mitrovica bridge

At around 18:00 CET on Thursday, several unidentified persons crossed the bridge from the southern to the northern part of the town and attacked three Serb youths that happened to be there at the time.

Two managed to escape, but the attackers stabbed S.N. in the chest, most likely using a knife, and then fled back to the southern part of Kosovska Mitrovica.

The teenager suffered injuries to the right side of his lungs and to his liver and thoracic diaphragm.

The latest incident has upset the residents, while members of the Kosovo police said they reviewed footage from security cameras and determined that five attackers took part in the incident.

Kosovska Mitrovica is a town in northern Kosovo divided since the war to its southern, ethnic Albanian, and northern, predominantly Serb parts.

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