Molotov cocktails thrown at EULEX vehicles

Three Molotov cocktails have been thrown at a EULEX parking lot in southern Kosovska Mitrovica, Beta news agency has learned.

Izvor: Beta

Friday, 31.05.2013.


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KOSOVSKA MITROVICA Three Molotov cocktails have been thrown at a EULEX parking lot in southern Kosovska Mitrovica, Beta news agency has learned. The attack took place around 23:00 CET on Thursday but EULEX vehicles were not damaged. Firefighters quickly put out the fire caused by the Molotov cocktails. Molotov cocktails thrown at EULEX vehicles This is the second attack on EULEX vehicles in the southern part of the town in the past week. The first attack took place in the neighborhood of Supkovac when one of the mission’s vehicles was set on fire. Beta

Molotov cocktails thrown at EULEX vehicles

This is the second attack on EULEX vehicles in the southern part of the town in the past week. The first attack took place in the neighborhood of Šupkovac when one of the mission’s vehicles was set on fire.

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