Oric case cannot be given to Bosnia - prosecutor

Serbian War Crimes Prosecutor Vladimir Vukcevic has said that criminal proceedings against Naser Oric cannot be transferred to the Bosnian prosecution.

Izvor: Tanjug

Thursday, 18.06.2015.


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Oric case cannot be given to Bosnia - prosecutor

"We cannot transfer the case according to the protocol on cooperation between the two prosecutions, because the Bosnian side insisted to make the protocol such that before transferring cases, we must obtain the consent of the families of the victims," he told Radio Free Europe, and added:

"We interviewed representatives of the victims' families and they unanimously rejected the handing over of the case."

Vukcevic added that he "does not wish to make any prognosis" about whether Oric, arrested in Switzerland last week on a Serbian warrant, would be extradited to Serbia, and once again stated he "did not know about the arrest."

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