Egner proceedings to resume

Despite reports of Peter Egner’s bad health, the U.S. Justice Department is continuing proceedings to revoke the war crimes suspect’s citizenship, daily writes.

Izvor: Politika

Thursday, 20.11.2008.


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Despite reports of Peter Egner’s bad health, the U.S. Justice Department is continuing proceedings to revoke the war crimes suspect’s citizenship, daily writes. The U.S. courts have approved the resumption of legal proceedings, which could end with Egner losing his American citizenship. Egner, 86, a former Gestapo officer, is suspected of participating in crimes against Jews in Serbia during World War II, Belgrade daily Politika writes, quoting a Seattle Times article. Egner proceedings to resume If his citizenship is revoked, then Serbia will be able to request his extradition. The War Crimes Prosecution Office has filed a motion to launch an investigation against Egner before the War Crimes Chamber of the Belgrade District Court. The U.S. Justice Department believes that Egner worked as a guard and translator in the Gestapo. According to a special investigations sector official, the Gestapo played a “leading role” in mass gassings of 6,200 Jewish women and children at the Semlin (Old Fairground) death camp in Belgrade.

Egner proceedings to resume

If his citizenship is revoked, then Serbia will be able to request his extradition.

The War Crimes Prosecution Office has filed a motion to launch an investigation against Egner before the War Crimes Chamber of the Belgrade District Court.

The U.S. Justice Department believes that Egner worked as a guard and translator in the Gestapo.

According to a special investigations sector official, the Gestapo played a “leading role” in mass gassings of 6,200 Jewish women and children at the Semlin (Old Fairground) death camp in Belgrade.

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