Vučić: "Belgrade-Sabac in a maximum of 45 minutes" VIDEO / PHOTO

Today, in Macvanski Prnjavor, the launch of works on the construction of the fast road Sabac - Loznica was marked, in the presence of President Vučić.

Izvor: Tanjug

Monday, 14.02.2022.



Vučić: "Belgrade-Sabac in a maximum of 45 minutes" VIDEO / PHOTO

The Sabac-Loznica expressway is part of the Ruma-Sabac-Loznica highway construction project.

Vučić pointed out that the road Ruma - Šabac will be ready by the end of September next year, which means that in a year and a half, the journey from Belgrade to Šabac will take maximum 45 minutes, and from Belgrade to Loznica - an hour and 10 minutes.

"It will additionally raise the entire Podrinje region for tourism and everything else. It will significantly strengthen Macva," said Vučić and announced that the company "Minth", which employs about 500 people in Loznica, will also come to Sabac.

He reminded that Adient, which employs more than 1.300 people, also works in Loznica. "We brought all those factories, but the salaries in Loznica and Sabac are rather small. We have to work on that, to bring another investor, and a higher rank, in order to raise salaries," said Vucic.

He was informed that 66 percent of the works were completed on the bridge on the Sava within the project of building the highway and the fast road Ruma-Sabac-Loznica, which is also being done by the Azerbaijani "AzVirt". President stated that "AzVirt" works well, and everything ends on time.

"If we manage to finish everything in Loznica in September 2024, it is really unbelievable. Nobody dreamed of that. Then it remains to be seen what we will do for Zvornik, towards Ljubovija and Bajina Basta, to build a highway, to build that area, although it is difficult because there are not many places along the Drina", said Vucic.

He added that after the completion of works on the road Ruma - Sabac - Loznica, the road from Loznica to Novi Sad will take an hour, unlike the current two hours.

"If you finish this on time, that is a great thing, you deserve a medal", Vucic stated. Vučić said that history is being built, as he said, kilometers of new hope and perspective, because this large infrastructure project will mean accelerated progress in that part of Serbia.

Quoting Milorad Pavić, that it is more important what kind of road he chose, than the goal itself, Vučić said that the construction of the road is hard work, and that unlike many who mostly promise destruction, he always promises construction.
"We are building and strengthening a stable state. And the promised progress is there, and this great infrastructure project gives Macva, Jadar, a better life, makes people live easier, we will attract investors more easily, which means higher salaries and pensions," Vucic said.

He added that the value of the complete project, Ruma-Sabac-Loznica, is 467.5 million euros.

"Those are kilometers of new hope and perspective. It is a path in the right direction, towards general, economic, cultural progress, development in all spheres, towards faster realization of free flow of goods, people, services and capital," said Vucic.

New infrastructure projects for people here mean a better life, so that they can stay where they were born, where their grandfather is, said Vučić and thanked the citizens, because, as he says, without their dreams, support and patience, they could not have implemented difficult reforms, which have stabilized public finances.

"They will see here how this beauty grows and how Belgrade and Novi Sad are getting closer. Today we are building history here, this means the accelerated progress of western Serbia," Vucic concluded.
The celebration of the launch of the works was also attended by the Minister of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure Tomislav Momirović, the Ambassador of Azerbaijan Kamil Khasiyev, the Mayor of Šabac Aleksandar Pajić, the Mayor of Loznica Vidoje Petrović, Acting Director of the "Corridor of Serbia" Aleksandar Antic, acting Director of "Roads of Serbia" Zoran Drobnjak.

The commercial contract on the design and execution of works on the highway Ruma - Sabac and the highway Sabac - Loznica, was concluded on November 19, 2019, with the Azerbaijani company "AzVirt".

The total length of the section is 77 kilometers, of which the highway Ruma - Sabac is 22 kilometers long, and the length of the section Sabac - Loznica, which will be built in the profile of the fast road, is 55 kilometers. The construction of a total of 56 objects is planned, of which 54 bridges and two loops.

The construction of the Ruma-Sabac highway and the Sabac-Loznica expressway is one of the priority tasks in road transport, given that this is a project that is important for the development and connection of Srem, Macva and western Serbia and Vojvodina, but also this part of Serbia with the region, primarily from Bosnia-Herzegovina.

The modern road that will connect Ruma and Loznica, in the total length of 77 km, will include three spatial units: section Ruma - (Sabac) bridge on the Sava, in the length of 22 km will be a highway in full profile, the second unit is the bridge over the Sava River and the third section, the construction of which begins today Sabac-Loznica.

That section will be a fast road, the route will bypass all populated places, through which the existing state road IB row number 26 (former highway M-19) passes almost the entire length. The total agreed price of works from Ruma to Loznica is 467.5 million euros, and from Sabac to Loznica 247.5 million euros.

Between these two cities, Sabac and Loznica, after the construction of this section, they will travel for a maximum of half an hour instead of an hour.

"Friendly relations between Serbia and Azerbaijan are developing successfully"

The Ambassador of Azerbaijan to Serbia, Kamil Khasiyev, stated today that the friendly relations between Serbia and Azerbaijan are successfully developing and that they have reached the level of strategic partnership, based on the principle of integrity and territorial sovereignty.

He also pointed out that economic cooperation between the two countries is also developing, which, as he said, shows today's start of works on the construction of the Sabac-Loznica highway and the entire project from Ruma to Loznica, which is being done by the Azerbaijani company AzVirt.

Khasiyev also stated that the Serbian economy has been showing sustainable growth in the last year, despite the pandemic, and expressed satisfaction that Azerbaijani companies are contributing to that growth. The Ambassador sent congratulations to the President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vučić, and the Serbian people on the occasion of the Statehood Day.

He expressed confidence that the strategic partnership between Serbia and Azerbaijan will continue to deepen.

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