"South Stream scrapping detrimental to everyone"

Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic said on Sunday the canceling of the South Stream natural gas pipeline would be "very detrimental" for the country.

Izvor: Beta

Monday, 08.12.2014.


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"South Stream scrapping detrimental to everyone"

"It would be very damaging for everyone, from Russia, to the countries in our region to the European Union as a whole," Dacic said.

Recalling that the EU had scheduled the heads of missions to Brussels of the countries that the pipeline is planned to traverse to meet on December 9, Dacic voiced the expectation that the issue would be resolved in the best possible way.

"You know the problem has never been Belgrade. We feel that it would be very damaging for us if the project were not realized, because Serbia would be left without an alternative gas supply route," Dacic said.

Serbia currently only receives gas from Russia via Ukraine, which, Dacic added, can often lead to interruptions in gas flow and leave Serbia without the fuel, which has happened before.

Dacic stressed that the construction of the Serbia-Bulgaria gas interconnection could not replace South Stream, as Bulgaria also only received natural gas from Russia.

"The problem with that project is that all the money Bulgaria needs comes from the EU, while Serbia is getting ten percent," stated Dacic, adding that this was why more attention was paid to South Stream.

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