Vucic now invited to attend Srebrenica commemoration

Wartime commander of Muslim forces in Srebrenica Naser Oric will not attend commemorations on the 20th anniversary of the Srebrenica crime.

Izvor: Tanjug

Monday, 29.06.2015.


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Vucic now invited to attend Srebrenica commemoration

Oric, wanted in Serbia on war crimes charges, was arrested in Switzerland earlier this month, but was last week extradited to Bosnia instead of Serbia.

Durakovic explained that Bosnian authorities "took him over" and that "until the case is brought to an end he is not a free man, essentially he has not been freed."

As for the presence of Serbian Prime Minister Aleksandar Vucic - who, Durakovic warned on multiple occasions, was not welcome in Srebrenica as long as Oric was detained in Switzerland - the mayor now says that "an invitation has been sent to him, he can decide for himself."

President of the Mothers of Srebrenica association Munira Subasic, who also spoke against Vucic's presence unless Oric was allowed to return to Bosnia, said: "We won't prevent anyone, nor will we invite anyone."

The committee organizing the commemoration described itself as non-political and said after holding a session that beside the victims' relatives and friends, "everyone else is also welcome."

It has been announced that 2,000 policemen will secure the gathering, while "600 persons have been accredited for media coverage."

According to N1, these reporters will come from all over the world, as will "three presidents, three prime ministers, and three parliament speakers."

The committee also announced its goal was to prepare the victims' funerals and commemoration in a dignified manner.

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