Man detained in connection to attack "returned from Syria"

A man detained in the wake of the terrorist attack in Zvornik, eastern Bosnia-Herzegovina, last year "returned from Syria," the local media are reporting.

Izvor: B92

Tuesday, 28.04.2015.


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Man detained in connection to attack "returned from Syria"

The public broadcaster of Bosnia's Muslim-Croat entity, the Federal TV, is reporting that Ibric and Hasanovic "socialized intensely."

According to this, Hasanovic was also arrested during a police operation code-named DAMASK, on suspicion that he was a member of the Islamic State (IS).

The website is reporting that Hasanovic was arrested in 2014 along with Husein Bilal Bosnic on charges of recruiting and inciting to terrorism.

The Bosnian State Investigation and Protection Agency (SIPA) announced that they detained A.F.H. and would turn him over to the Bosnian Prosecution "for further action."

It was also said that "a number of people" were questioned as witnesses.

After the terrorist attack in the town of Zvornik, located in the Serb entity (RS) of Bosnia-Herzegovina, a joint team made up of SIPA and RS Interior Ministry officials was set up to investigate the crime.

The Sarajevo-based Dnevni Avaz daily writes that Nerdin Ibric and his mother were among the first Bosniak (Muslim) returnees to his native Kucic Kula village "which became part of the RS after the signing of the Dayton Agreement in 1995."

The paper also said that the killer was "a year old when on June 1, 1992 members of the Army of the Serb Republic along with members of the Zvornik police and paramilitary units from Serbia took away and killed his father Sejfa and about 750 other Bosniaks."

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