SNS to start talks on government "next week"

Leader of Progressives (SNS) Aleksandar Vučić will start official talks on forming a new government with potential partners early next week, writes a daily.

Izvor: Tanjug

Monday, 31.03.2014.


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SNS to start talks on government "next week"

Vučić should present the leaders of these parties with an economic recovery program, "the writing of which has been well under way" - and that will be a part of his inaugural speech as prime minister, the paper said.

It noted that as early as next week Vučić could make a decision on whom to invite to join his government, so that the names of new ministers could be announced before Easter, April 20.

One of SNS vice presidents, Bratislav Gašić, told the daily that the party "has not talked with anyone so far," and that it will be known who they will negotiate with about a new government "after the completion of the new round of dialogue in Brussels."

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