Media: Indictment brought against U. B. for the crime in Mladenovac

The Higher Public Prosecutor's Office in Smederevo filed an indictment against U. B. at 10 a.m. today.

Izvor: Blic

Wednesday, 18.10.2023.


Media: Indictment brought against U. B. for the crime in Mladenovac
Ilustracija: Depositphotos/ Kuzmafoto

Media: Indictment brought against U. B. for the crime in Mladenovac

The indictment was filed on the suspicion that he killed 9 and wounded 12 people in the villages of Malo Orašje and Dubona on May 4.

The indictment charges Blažić with aggravated murder, for which a prison sentence of 20 years is threatened.

At the time of the crime, U.B. was not yet 21 years old and was a younger adult, which is why, according to the provisions of the Criminal Code, he cannot be sentenced to life imprisonment, but as a maximum sentence, a prison sentence of 20 years. The prosecution proposed this sentence to the court. In addition to Uroš Blažić, his father, uncle and cousin are also on the indictment of the Higher Public Prosecutor's Office in Smederevo.

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