Fierce attack - several explosions heard

The Ukrainian capital of Kyiv urged its residents to go to shelters early in the morning.


Friday, 30.12.2022.


Fierce attack - several explosions heard
Foto: Profimedia

Fierce attack - several explosions heard

The day after one of the largest Russian air strikes since the outbreak of the war in February, according to the Governor of the Kyiv area, Russia performed drone attack.

The warning by the city authorities of Kyiv was issued to the citizens slightly after two hours after midnight through their channel application telegram, while the sirens echoed throughout the city.

The Governor of the Kyiv area Oleksiy Kuleba said in the telegram that the drone attack was in progress. The witness told Reuters that he heard several explosions and an EHO airfire 20 kilometers south of Kyiv.

Ukrainian President Volodimir Zelensky said on social networks that 54 Russian rockets and 11 drone attacks throughout Ukraine were rejected.

He admitted that most of the regions in Ukraine were affected by power outage after the new Russian shelling, which again hit energy infrastructure.

"There's a power outage in a larger part of Ukraine tonight. It is especially difficult in the region of Kyiv and the capital, in the region of Lavov, in Odessa, Herson and its surroundings", he said.

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