Severe panic prevailed; America has a new plan; Mi-8MSB downed

The 279th day of the special military operation that Russia is conducting in Ukraine is underway.

Izvor: B92

Tuesday, 29.11.2022.


Severe panic prevailed; America has a new plan; Mi-8MSB downed
Foto: Profimedia

Severe panic prevailed; America has a new plan; Mi-8MSB downed

Fierce fighting continues across Ukraine.

Ukrainians face a difficult winter, with daily electricity and constant heating restrictions.

The General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine claims that Ukrainian workers who refused to sign a contract with the Russian state atomic energy agency "Rosatom" were banned from entering the Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant, which is under Russian control.

The Russian Federal Security Service announced that it prevented a series of terrorist attacks in Zaporizhzhia.

The wreckage of the Ukrainian Mi-8MSB helicopter shot down in the Nikolaev area

Emergency blackouts in Kyiv

Emergency blackouts of electricity have been introduced in Kyiv. The emergency shutdowns began in accordance with the instructions of the Ukrainian national company Ukrenergo, reports Ukrinform.

It was announced earlier that the authorities are doing everything possible to ensure that all users have electricity for two to three hours twice a day.

Ukraine faced power shortages after Russian forces began mass strikes on infrastructure, mainly energy facilities, in the country on October 10.

Panic about The Hague?

The USA is preparing a big aid for Ukraine

The United States is expected today to announce "significant" financial aid to Ukraine to help it deal with the damage Russian attacks have caused to its energy infrastructure, a senior U.S. official said last night.

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