Media: People also flee Russia, heading towards Belgrade; There are hundreds of them

In the weeks after the war in Ukraine broke out, not only Ukrainians fled, but Russians also fled their homes. Many of them arrived in Belgrade.

Izvor: Jutarnji list

Monday, 28.03.2022.


Media: People also flee Russia, heading towards Belgrade; There are hundreds of them
Tanjug/AP Photo/Petros Giannakouris/Ilustracija

Media: People also flee Russia, heading towards Belgrade; There are hundreds of them

According to Croatian media, for many Russians who wanted to flee abroad, Serbia has become a refuge because it is one of the few countries that offers regular flights to Europe due to the mass ban on flights to Russia.

Jutarnji list states that Serbia and Russia have been united for centuries by deep brotherly ties, thanks to the common Slavic and Orthodox heritage. A large number of Russians, it is further stated in the text, arrived in Serbia because they fled from the catastrophic situation in Russia caused by the war in Ukraine.

The Croatian paper then writes that Putin enjoys great support in Serbia, partly because of "the collective hatred towards NATO, which bombed Serbia in the 1990s, which many citizens of that country still remember."

There are no official data on the number of Russians who fled to Serbia, where they can stay without a visa for up to 30 days, but the group for newcomers on the communication platform Telegram already numbers hundreds of people. However, Jutarnji writes, not everyone is thrilled that Serbs support Putin, and some feel very uncomfortable.

One of those Russians is Jakov Borevich, an IT expert, who said he chose Belgrade because of its "mentality" and "closeness of culture" to Russia, but also struggled with pro-Russian sentiment on the streets, including Putin's mural near his new apartment, below which it says "brother" in Cyrillic.

However, Borevich said that he still understands the outpourings of emotions in Serbia, which he noticed among his Russian fellow citizens, who often express love for the homeland by supporting Putin.

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