It was ordered: Drones to be sent to the border of Serbia

Austrian police use drones to help Serbia monitor the border with North Macedonia.

Izvor: Beta

Monday, 04.12.2023.


It was ordered: Drones to be sent to the border of Serbia

It was ordered: Drones to be sent to the border of Serbia

This was told to the Austrian APA agency at the Ministry of the Interior in Vienna.

"Close cross-border cooperation in the fight against brutal people smugglers is absolutely necessary. The knowledge of Austrian drone specialists is therefore also sought after on the border of Serbia and North Macedonia," Interior Minister Gerhard Karner told the agency.

According to APA, the authorities in Belgrade launched intensive measures on the border with North Macedonia and Bulgaria last week, which resulted in a significant reduction of illegal migration in Austria, i.e. border crossings in the area of the province of Burgenland/Gradišće, which borders Hungary.

According to APA, this is connected both with the increased controls along the migrant routes and with the increased patrols of the Austrian police on the border with Hungary.

According to the Ministry in Vienna, more than one hundred Austrian police officers are currently employed in certain Balkan countries and in Hungary. There are 13 police officers stationed in Serbia who have the most modern equipment such as buses with thermal imaging systems and drones.

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