"Every occupier in our territory will get shot in the head" VIDEO

Ukrainian Ambassador to Serbia Oleksandr Alexandrovich told TV Prva that every occupier who enters his country will get shot in the head.

Izvor: B92

Monday, 28.02.2022.


Tanjug/AP Photo/Efrem Lukatsky

"Every occupier in our territory will get shot in the head" VIDEO

As a guest on the morning program of TV Prva, he said that every day of the fight in Ukraine means that support for his country is growing. "We have no other choice, because if we let them go, it will be a real genocide against all the inhabitants of Ukraine, 42 million of them," he added.

"We have the support of the West, as well as the whole world. No country has supported this aggression. Also, every day we in the Embassy receive the support of the Serbian people who offer help," Alexandrovich pointed out.

"Russia has been fighting against us for eight years", he said, adding: "Every occupier on our territory will be shot in the head."

On the statement of the host that it is too harsh a vocabulary for a diplomat, the ambassador of Ukraine says that he is foremost, in this situation, a citizen of Ukraine and only then a diplomat. He also says that he plans to go to Ukraine and take part in the country's defense. Asked whether NATO had deceived them, Alexandrovich said that it had not and that the leaders of the Alliance had been honest with Ukraine from the beginning and told them that they would help them but would not enter Ukraine and react from there.

"From the beginning, they were honest with us. We were militarily neutral, we did not want to join NATO and we had excellent relations with Russia, but now Vladimir Putin will be credited for wanting us to join NATO immediately," the Ukrainian Ambassador to Serbia said.

Asked whether the conflict in Ukraine is actually a conflict between Russia and the United States, and that Ukraine is a scapegoat, he said that Ukraine has always been on the side of defending international law and reminds that it has condemned NATO aggression against the FRY.

"This is at the same time a Russia-West war, but then Russia is not at war with the West. Russian tycoons keep money in the West, they have villas and yachts there... That is highly hypocritical," he added.

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