A huge convoy rushed toward Canadian capital; PM transferred to secret location VIDEO

A huge convoy of about 50.000 Canadian truck drivers in a 64 kilometers long line, arrived in Ottawa ahead of a planned protest against mandatory vaccination.

Izvor: Sputnik

Saturday, 29.01.2022.


A huge convoy rushed toward Canadian capital; PM transferred to secret location VIDEO

A huge convoy rushed toward Canadian capital; PM transferred to secret location VIDEO

Meanwhile, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau left his home in Ottawa with his family and moved to a secret location.

Justin Trudeau said earlier that there is "a minority of truckers with unacceptable opinions that is on the way to Ottawa", emphasizing that almost 90 percent of his country has been vaccinated.

However, the drivers in the so-called "Truckers for Freedom Convoy" are angry about his statement and plan to show dissatisfaction in the Canadian capital this weekend. A senior parliamentary official warned lawmakers to avoid protests and to lock their doors amid reports that their private homes could be targeted.

The convoy left British Columbia on Sunday, and was joined by other protesters driving from the east and south of the country.

U.S. truckers - who are only allowed to enter Canada if they have been vaccinated - have also joined the huge convoy. Although protest leaders called for a peaceful protest, some statements by some participants included threats of violence.

Ottawa police have announced that they will be on alert and ready to arrest anyone who breaks the law, reports the "Daily Mail".

As of January 15, all Canadian truck drivers who have not been vaccinated must pass the COVID-19 test and be quarantined when returning from the United States.

They are not allowed to enter the United States unless they have been vaccinated, and American drivers are not allowed to enter Canada unless they show a certificate. However, American drivers returning to the United States do not have to take a test or be quarantined.

As many as 32.000, or 20 percent, of the 160.000 Canadian and U.S. cross-border truck drivers could be excluded from the roads due to mandatory vaccination, the Canadian Transportation Company estimates.

On the other hand, the Canadian truckers' union rejected the protest and announced that more than 85% of truckers were vaccinated. Many truckers also announced on social media that they continue to do their job and that the convoy does not represent their rights.

Canada has adopted some of the strictest protocols on COVID-19 in the world.

Ontario will close its restaurants, gyms and cinemas at the beginning of this month, and will reopen them only at the beginning of February. Vaccinations have been mandatory for workers in public companies since last year, and the Prime Minister of Quebec announced that he is planning the introduction of penalties for unvaccinated residents who have no medical reason not to receive the vaccine.

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