Small graduation exam starts with Serbian language test; Results expected by June 25

A three-day final exam, a small graduation exam, has begun today with Serbian language test at 9.00 AM for 66.970 eighth grade students. eighth grade students.

Izvor: Tanjug

Wednesday, 21.06.2023.


Small graduation exam starts with Serbian language test; Results expected by June 25
Ilustracija: Deposit photos/denisismagilov

Small graduation exam starts with Serbian language test; Results expected by June 25

Assistant Minister of Education for preschool and elementary education, Milan Pašić, said today that everything is ready for the junior high school graduation, as well as that the final activities are coming to an end.

"The school calendar stipulates that Serbian language test, i.e. the mother tongue, will be on Wednesday, June 21 from 9 to 11 a.m., then on Thursday, June 22, mathematics and on June 23, the students will take the chosen test, this is a novelty compared to previous years, there is no more combined test. This year, we have a selected test from one of the offered subjects that the students chose until the end of December," said Pašić for Tanjug.

Most students chose biology - 38 percent, geography - 29 percent, history - 16 percent, chemistry - nine percent and physics - eight percent.

He said that the examination lasts 120 minutes and the examination procedure itself stipulates that students cannot leave the room for the first 45 minutes and the last 15 minutes. The assistant minister said that students and parents should not worry and that there are enough places in secondary schools.

"We have 66,970 students and participants of functional primary education for adults in the system, and in secondary schools we have about 75,800 vacant places. So there are enough places for everyone," he said.

Pašić pointed out that he expects the eighth graders to prepare well and thanked the teachers who had preparatory classes with them in the previous period so that they could do their final exam as well as possible.

"The next step in the final exam is the selection, which means that students can get 40 points on these three tests, Serbian language or mother tongue - 14 points, mathematics also 14 points, and the selected test 12 points. The third comes evaluation. Which means that schools, based on the results of the final exam, later evaluate whether the assessment of students is in line with their achievements. They also undertake certain activities to improve the education system," explained the assistant minister.

What is defined by the rulebook is that a student who has less than 50 points from school and from the final exam, as Pašić said, cannot enroll in a four-year high school, that is, he can enroll in a three-year high school.

In addition to the Serbian language, the final exam is taken in eight other languages - Albanian, Bulgarian, Slovak, Ruthenian, Hungarian, Romanian, Croatian and Bosnian.

The Skadarlija Elementary School points out that the tests have been delivered, sealed and kept in a safe, the school has been inspected by the competent institutions and everything is ready for the final exam.

"Everything is ready for the final exam of our young graduates. The tests have been delivered, they are at the school - they are in the safe. As for the organization and the safety of the students, which is the most important thing for us at the moment, the school has been inspected by the competent institutions and the school policewoman is present all the time in front of the school. There is only one entrance that is open and in that sense, there are no unforeseen circumstances'', Mirjana Sloboda, principal of Skadarlija Elementary School, told Tanjug.

As she stated, according to the instructions, the students came to school at eight o'clock, together with their class teachers, until 8.15 AM they checked their student booklets - do they all have stickers, a picture in their student booklet and, in agreement with the class teachers, they were accommodated in the room until 8.30 AM, in which they take the final exam.

"In our school, 60 eighth-graders take the exam in the formal gymnasium of the school, six teachers and one supervisor are on duty. There is enough space, the room is ventilated, there is also refreshments, and we try to have a pleasant atmosphere for taking the exam and to make it as good as possible'', said Sloboda.

"Students don't bring anything except their student ID card, a ballpoint pen, water and some chocolates. Mobile phones are left in front of the classroom, on the table, and the school staff is also on duty there, Sloboda said. Due to unforeseen circumstances, as she said, it can happen that someone is late for the exam, 10 to 20 minutes is tolerated, the school director can approve it, but that does not happen. In that situation, the child can take the test, but only until 11 o'clock, like the others, Sloboda said.

"Students are ready. Two months ago, we had a trial final exam, also then in accordance with the instructions we did the same thing that we will do today, they went through the entire procedure and everything is familiar to them'', said Sloboda.

"What we insist on is to relax them, to be relaxed today, not to rush, to read the tasks carefully. The advice is that they stay for two full hours, and according to the rules, they cannot leave the test for the first 45 minutes and the last 15 minutes. They should do the test patiently, attentively, easily and without anxiety', said Sloboda.

"The first results are expected on Sunday, June 25 by 8 AM at the latest. That is already the day when parents can submit complaints through the My High School portal, and the next day it will be available at school, and the final results will arrive on June 28," Sloboda concluded.

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