Better epidemic situation in Serbia - List of infected per 100.000 inhabitants

According to the updated data from the New York Times, Serbia has fallen on the list in terms of the number of infected per 100.000 inhabitants in Europe.

Izvor: B92

Friday, 28.01.2022.


Better epidemic situation in Serbia - List of infected per 100.000 inhabitants

Better epidemic situation in Serbia - List of infected per 100.000 inhabitants

Last week, Serbia was on the 13th place on the list.

According to new data, it's now holding 18th place.
The data show how complicated the coronavirus situation is in Europe.

Denmark heads this list, which will abolish all COVID measures from February 1.
Slovenia, France, Portugal and Belgium follow.

Until the last review, 17.284 newly infected with COVID-19 were confirmed in Serbia, while 42 people died.

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