Today 76 newly infected

According to the latest data, 76 new cases of coronavirus have been recorded in Serbia, out of 7.730 tested.

Izvor: B92

Friday, 25.06.2021.


Today 76 newly infected

Today 76 newly infected

5 people died.

There are 13 patients on respirators.

Minister of Health of Serbia, Zlatibor Lončar, warned today that if we continue with relaxed behavior and without the implementation of vaccination that will lead us to collective immunity, we can expect a worsening of the situation regarding the coronavirus in a few weeks.

"I would like to be able to go with a more relaxed situation by the fall, but with this kind of behavior and vaccination, it is a matter of weeks," Loncar said, adding that citizens concentrate only on the number of infected, which is irresponsible because there are other indicators that the situation is getting worse, such as the number of hospitalized.

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